home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 5 rem *** load ml from disk or tape ***
- 10 d=8:e=65:a=e:f=147:e$=chr$(f):p=57812:l=62631:s=62957:ifpeek(687)=54then25
- 15 pokef,0:syspchr$(e)+" coord.obj",d,1:sysl:e=e+1:ife<a+2then15
- 20 rem *** set coordinator variables ***
- 25 reset=681:clear=686:plot=707:erase=714
- 30 setflag=767:init=1020:mflag=0:rem mflag=1 turns on multicolor, 0 is off
- 35 rem *** set color registers ***
- 40 fg=646:bo=53280:bg=bo+1
- 45 ifmfthenm2=bo+2:m3=bo+3:pokem2,6:pokem3,4:rem set multicolor regs. (m1=fg)
- 50 rem *** set hi-res variables ***
- 55 bank=1:scnoffset=1:coloffset=7
- 60 rem *** create display (note changes from magazine listing) ***
- 65 pokebo,0:pokebg,0:pokefg,1:printe$:printtab(90)" choose demonstration "
- 70 pokefg,6:print" note: this menu is provided for disk subscribers only ";
- 75 print"and results in changes":printtab(7)"to the published listing":pokefg,1
- 80 print:print:print"> press d [146] to run the demo and return"
- 85 printtab(13)"to this menu":print"> press m [146] to run the mountain demo -"
- 90 print" which includes the save/load routine"
- 95 print:print"> press any other key to end the program"
- 100 poke198,0
- 105 getnr$:on-(nr$="")-2*(nr$="d")-3*(nr$="m")goto105,115,120
- 110 goto175
- 115 gosub185:goto365
- 120 gosub185:goto465
- 150 rem *** restore default display ***
- 155 ifpeek(198)=0then155:rem wait for a keypress to end program
- 160 poke198,0:rem tidy up keypress if it comes
- 165 pokefg,peek(bg)+1:rem ensure text color is different from background
- 170 poke53270,200:poke56576,151:poke53265,27:poke53272,21:ifsfthenreturn
- 175 end
- 180 rem *** set up hi-res ***
- 185 poke56576,(peek(56576)and252)or(3-bank):rem set bank
- 190 poke53265,peek(53265)or32:rem turn on bitmap
- 195 ifmfthenpoke53270,peek(53270)or16:rem set multicolor if desired
- 200 poke53272,(coloffset*16+scnoffset*8):rem position hi-res and color memories
- 205 return
- 210 rem *** screen save/load subroutine ***
- 215 rem note: is dependent on variables from main program
- 220 d=8:e=49:ok=1:b(1)=ba*64+sc*32:t(1)=b(1)+32:b(2)=ba*64+co*4:t(2)=b(2)+4
- 225 b(3)=208:t(3)=b(3)+1:b(4)=216:t(4)=b(4)+4:sf=1:gosub165:sf=0
- 230 printe$:print
- 235 printtab(7)"** save or load screen **":print:input" screen name";sn$
- 240 gv=len(sn$):on-(gv<1orgv>15)goto230:print
- 245 print"> for save - press s[146]":print:print"> for load - press l[146]"
- 250 getl$:ifl$=""orl$<>"s"andl$<>"l"then250
- 255 print:print:print" results[146] - name is "sn$:printtab(11)"and this is a ";
- 260 ifl$="s"thenprint"save":goto270
- 265 print"load"
- 270 print:print:printtab(6)">> if correct - press c[146] <<"
- 275 print:printtab(5)"any other key allows changes"
- 280 getm$:on-(m$="")-2*(m$="c")goto280,290
- 285 goto230
- 290 printe$:print" saving:"sn$:ifl$="l"thenprinte$:print" loading:"sn$:goto320
- 295 sysp"@:"+chr$(e)+sn$,d,1:poke193,0:poke194,b(ok)
- 300 poke174,0:poke175,t(ok):syss
- 305 e=e+1:ok=ok+1:ifok<4then295
- 310 ifmfandok=4then295
- 315 goto340
- 320 pokef,0:syspchr$(e)+sn$,d,1:sysl
- 325 e=e+1:ife<52then320
- 330 ifmfande=52then320
- 335 ifd<>8then355
- 340 qa=0:open15,8,15:input#15,qa,qb$,qc,qd:close15:ifqa<20then355
- 345 printe$:print" disk error!":print:printtab(13)" disk status [146]"
- 350 print:printtab(7)qa;qb$;qc;qd:end
- 355 gosub185:return
- 360 rem *** demo ***
- 365 pokebo,0:pokebg,0:pokefg,1:y=100:x=160:sysclear:o=x:n=y:rem set screen
- 370 forr=7to87step8:pokebg,-(r/8>7)*r/7:pokefg,r/7-8*(r/8>7):rem radius & color
- 375 fora=0to(NULL)/2step2/r:x=r*sin(a)+o:y=r*cos(a)+n:sysplot:rem sweep 90 degrees
- 380 x=-x+2*o:sysplot:y=-y+2*n:sysplot:x=-x+2*o:sysplot:rem but plot 4 quadrants
- 385 nexta
- 390 nextr
- 395 ifmfthenpokem3,5:rem bit pattern 1,1 plots green if multicolor
- 400 y=100:forx=0to319:pokebg,x/8:pokefg,x/8+1:sysplot:next:remdraw colored line
- 405 pokebg,0:pokefg,10:forx=0to319:syserase:next:rem erase line with lt. red
- 410 y=95:pokefg,1:forx=0to319:sysplot:ifpeek(setflag)thensysplot:goto420
- 415 syserase:rem 395-405 move a white point but don't erase
- 420 next
- 425 deffnmc(a)=int(a)-(int(a/2)<>int(a)/2):syscl:r=95:poke646,2
- 430 fora=0to319step2.26:x=fnmc(a):y=r+80*sin(a/20):syser:x=x+1:syspl:next
- 435 fora=0to319step2.26:x=fnmc(a):y=r+60*sin(a/25):syspl:x=x+1:syser:next
- 440 fora=0to319step2.26:x=fnmc(a):y=r+40*sin(a/30):syspl:x=x+1:syspl:next
- 445 fora=0to319step2.26:x=fnmc(a):y=r+60*sin(a/25):syser:x=x+1:syser:next
- 450 sf=1:gosub165:sf=0:goto65
- 460 rem *** mountain demo ***
- 465 poke198,0:pokefg,11:pokebg,0:pokebo,0:x=-1:y=-1:syscl
- 466 j%=rnd(0)*10:j%=-j%*(j%>3andj%<7):on-(j%=0)goto466:j%=j%-4:c=2^j%
- 467 j=35-(c=1)*17:v=2:a=-20:j%=rnd(0)*5:b=-j%*20:z=1:e=0
- 468 h=int((320-b)/(j-10)):dim g(h+1):g(0)=b:deffnp(m)=(-1)^int(rnd(0)*3)
- 469 deffnm(r)=(n+(n<80)*n*.3)/133+(n>180)*(n-180)/79
- 470 forq=1toh:g(q)=g(q-1)+j+rnd(0)*10:ifg(q)>=320theno=q:q=h
- 471 next:dimr(o+1,2),t(o+1,2),u(o+1),b(o+1):j%=rnd(0)*5:m=10+(j%+4-c)*5
- 472 j%=-(c>1):r(0,0)=g(0):t(0,0)=rnd(0)*3.3-a:u(0)=1
- 473 forq=1too:r(q,0)=g(q):u(q)=u(q-1)*(1+2*(q/c=int(q/c)))
- 474 t(q,0)=t(q-1,0)+((rnd(0)*3.3+2)*u(q)):n=r(q,0)
- 475 t(q,0)=t(q,0)-(n<=160)*n/80+(n>160)*n/120:gosub483:b(q)=-(k>i):next:e=1
- 476 v=v+.004:m=m+v^1.0001:r(0,1)=r(0,0)+.9+rnd(0)*.5*fnp(m)
- 477 t(0,1)=t(0,0)+rnd(0)*2:forq=1too
- 478 r(q,1)=r(q,0)+(1+(b(q)=0andb(q+1)=1)*j%)*(rnd(1)*(2+c/2)+.3)
- 479 n=r(q,1):t(q,1)=t(q-1,1)+t(q,0)-t(q-1,0)+rnd(0)*2
- 480 t(q,1)=t(q,1)-(b(q)=1)*rnd(1)*m*fnm(r)/20:ifr(q,1)>r(q-1,1)then482
- 481 r(q,1)=r(q-1,1)+.01:ifq>=3thent(q,1)=t(q-1+(c=1)*2,1)-6
- 482 gosub483:r(q,0)=r(q,1):t(q,0)=t(q,1):next:r(0,0)=r(0,1):t(0,0)=t(0,1):goto476
- 483 h=r(q-1,e):i=t(q-1,e):j=r(q,e):k=t(q,e)
- 484 w=(j-h)*(1.3+rnd(0)*.9-(k<i)*1.7*(rnd(0)+1))/sqr((j-h)^2+(k-i)^2)
- 485 ifk>170andj>0andj<320thenj=r(q,0):k=t(q,0):z=0
- 486 forx=htojstepw:y=i+(k-i)*(x-h)/(j-h):syspl:next:ifzthenreturn
- 487 fory=0to199step8:forx=0to319step8:u=fnp(m)*rnd(0)*24
- 488 pokefg,7+2*(y>36+u)-9*(y>76+u)+13*(y>114+u):syser:ifpeek(se)thensyspl
- 489 next:next:poke49,peek(47):poke50,peek(48):gosub220:goto155